
Conjugación to value

La conjugación completa del verbo “to value” en inglés

El verbo “to value” en inglés es utilizado para expresar aprecio o valorar algo. A continuación, te presento la conjugación completa de este verbo en diferentes tiempos verbales:


Presente Simple

  • I value
  • You value
  • He/she/it values
  • We value
  • You value
  • They value

Presente Continuo

  • I am valuing
  • You are valuing
  • He/she/it is valuing
  • We are valuing
  • You are valuing
  • They are valuing

Presente Perfecto

  • I have valued
  • You have valued
  • He/she/it has valued
  • We have valued
  • You have valued
  • They have valued

Presente Perfecto Continuo

  • I have been valuing
  • You have been valuing
  • He/she/it has been valuing
  • We have been valuing
  • You have been valuing
  • They have been valuing

Pasado Simple

  • I valued
  • You valued
  • He/she/it valued
  • We valued
  • You valued
  • They valued

Pasado Continuo

  • I was valuing
  • You were valuing
  • He/she/it was valuing
  • We were valuing
  • You were valuing
  • They were valuing

Pasado Perfecto

  • I had valued
  • You had valued
  • He/she/it had valued
  • We had valued
  • You had valued
  • They had valued

Pasado Perfecto Continuo

  • I had been valuing
  • You had been valuing
  • He/she/it had been valuing
  • We had been valuing
  • You had been valuing
  • They had been valuing

Futuro Simple

  • I will value
  • You will value
  • He/she/it will value
  • We will value
  • You will value
  • They will value

Futuro Continuo

  • I will be valuing
  • You will be valuing
  • He/she/it will be valuing
  • We will be valuing
  • You will be valuing
  • They will be valuing

Futuro Perfecto

  • I will have valued
  • You will have valued
  • He/she/it will have valued
  • We will have valued
  • You will have valued
  • They will have valued

Futuro Perfecto Continuo

  • I will have been valuing
  • You will have been valuing
  • He/she/it will have been valuing
  • We will have been valuing
  • You will have been valuing
  • They will have been valuing


  • Value!
  • Let’s value!

Participio Presente

The present participle of “to value” is “valuing”.


Participio Pasado

The past participle of “to value” is “valued”.

Participio Perfecto

The perfect participle of “to value” is “having valued”.
